guerrilla marketing.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Final Tag Design

After a lot of playing around with type and after discussing my experiments with peers and tutors, I decided on using the above image as my final tag design. I originally didn't want to use any colour in my designs, since that keeps the process more cost effective, however, when a few people looked at my font experiments, a lot of people complimented the only colour choice of the designs, but weren't sure about the font.

Again, with more help from my peers and some tweeking with leading and kerning, I decided to use the font Tall Films, layered with three colours, magenta, cyan and black. This also gives it a fun 3D effect and an optical illusion feel that I think works well. I wanted to keep the design clean and simple - there's no need for excessively flashy graphic design when it comes to simple guerilla advertising. I want people to be intrigued and to want to find out more themselves. I also wanted to create something that people may want to remove from the environment and keep for themselves, stick on their bedroom wall etc.

To create my tags, I'll be printing onto the clear sticker paper that I bought and assembling the final artefact myself.

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